Datenbankeintrag: Cultivate good living habits and Create Beautiful Spaces Together

Cultivate good living habits and Create Beautiful Spaces Together

April 28, 2019
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In order to encourage villagers to actively create hygienic, green, and cultural spaces and form a situation in which everyone participates in these transformations and every family strives to create a ‘Beautiful Space,” Qaraqash County, Tuwaite Township, Qarayagchi Village held a commendation meeting to recognize and reward ten households that creative relatively good spaces.

Ten families in Qaraqash, Hotan were awarded mops & buckets for standing out in the 3 beauties 4 goods, and 1 clean inspection 三美四好一卫生”(beautiful people, houses, spaces; good thoughts, unity, family traditions, studies; clean bathrooms) (美丽庭院)

为鼓励村民积极创建卫生庭院、绿色庭院、文化庭院,形成人人参与庭院改造、家家争创“美丽庭院”的良好局面, 3月11日,墨玉县吐外特乡喀拉亚尕其村召开表彰会,对该村庭院改造较好的10户进行了表彰奖励。


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