Datenbankeintrag: Recent Activity of The Great Wall Assets Village Work Group: Study the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee and the Ninth Party Congress of the Autonomous Region
Zwangsassimilation Erzwungene Patriotik/Propaganda-Demonstrationen Flaggenhissung/Dorfversammlung

Recent Activity of The Great Wall Assets Village Work Group: Study the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee and the Ninth Party Congress of the Autonomous Region

November 02, 2016
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In the afternoon [after the morning flag raising ceremony], party members and cadres of the village held “de-extremification” work. After which, the working group assisted the village’s Party committee and government to conduct an examination and evaluation of the knowledge of the nine members of the two village committees. From this day forward, the village will organize two small teams of villagers and hold evening patriotic song events (in Chinese) and prepare for a competition. For upcoming flag raising ceremonies, all villagers will sing the majestic melody of the national anthem. In the evening, the working group and the village cadres held a meeting to make detailed arrangements for the coming days.

Recently, in addition to the villagers who picked cotton and flowers, the village arranged for unemployed villagers to go to the 6th Team and help increase the arable land of poor villagers by moving rocks. Only the villagers working shifts or watching the children will be staying at home, so it will take a few extra days [for government workers] to carry out home visits [into villagers’ homes].

下午,村中召集党员干部进行“去极端化”的工作手册整理工作,之后工作组协助乡党委和政府对9民村两委班子成员进行了村干部应知应会知识考试测评。从本日起,村中每晚会组织两个小队村民进行唱国歌(汉语版)训练比赛,今后的升国旗仪式中全体村民将伴着雄壮的旋律唱响国歌。晚上,工作组和村干部一起召开会议对来日工作做了详细安排。 … 近期,除捡棉拾花村民外,村中安排赋闲村民到6小队为村中贫困户增加的耕地进行石块翻整,只有值班和带孩子的村民在家留守,因此入户走访工作还需过几日才能进行。

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