Datenbankeintrag: We are still on the road-the work team of the Autonomous Region Statistics Bureau in Kamalek (1) Village "Fanghuiu" moves forward without stop
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We are still on the road-the work team of the Autonomous Region Statistics Bureau in Kamalek (1) Village "Fanghuiu" moves forward without stop

December 21, 2016
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The “Villager Night School” is busy, the work team took the lectern. “Since starting in early December, the Villager Night School holds bilingual language classes once a week and a technical course once per week [in which], the villagers actively participated and have enthusiasm for studying.

——“农民夜校”充电忙,工作队员上讲台。 “农民夜校”自12月初开办以来,坚持每周一次双语培训、每周一次技能培训,村民积极参与、学习热情高涨。村党支部书记阿卜杜瓦依提•艾散感慨地说,“‘农民夜校’成了农民致富路上的加油站”。

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