Datenbankeintrag: Wentusake Village's "Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and Enjoy Reunion" Ethnic Unity Friendship Activity
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Wentusake Village's "Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and Enjoy Reunion" Ethnic Unity Friendship Activity

September 11, 2019
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“The great unity of all ethnic groups is the strengthening of every ethnic group’s identity with Chinese culture. Holding the ‘Mid Autumn Reunion” ethnic unity and friendship event is to further strengthen all ethnic group’s consciousness of the ‘five identities’ and will allow everyone to better understand and appreciate the charm of the Chinese Nation’s modern culture, give thanks to the great Party, and the great Fatherland.”


活动中,自治区市场监督管理局驻阿图什市松他克乡温吐萨克村工作队第一书记,工作队队长苗桂云讲到:“各民族大团结,就是要增强各民族对中华文化的认同,举办“欢度中秋 共享团圆”民族团结联谊活动,就是要进一步增强各族群众的“五个认同”意识,让大家更多的了解和享受中华民族现代文化的魅力,感恩伟大的党、感恩伟大的祖国,珍惜今天来之不易的幸福生活,坚定信心和决心,以实际行动维护社会稳定,维护民族团结”。

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