Database Entry: Kashgar, Xinjiang Agricultural Development Bank carried out thorough "Four Common, Three Gifts" Events, Warming hearts with sincerity
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Kashgar, Xinjiang Agricultural Development Bank carried out thorough "Four Common, Three Gifts" Events, Warming hearts with sincerity

February 14, 2018
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During the event, the regional branch party committee used the entire bank’s work force to reach full coverage of the “three types people” [sentenced, detained, re-educated] and families experiencing hardships…Each [of these types of families] were visited for a least two days.

To date, 191 cadres and staff participated in the “four commons, three gifts’ activities” and visited 571 three-types families. Leaders of all ranks [who participated] totaled 38 person; they “descended” and visited 139 households, reaching 100%.

活动中,地区分行党委统筹,把全行力量合理编组、全员参与,做到”三类”人员家庭入驻全覆盖、困难家庭全覆盖。认真梳理台帐,做到应住尽住,每户困难家庭入住不少于2天。不折不扣做好规定工作。全行干部职工与困难群众同吃一桌饭、同住一间屋,一起参加生产劳动,一起学习十九大精神。通过宣讲法律法律,释疑解惑,打开了村民的心结;通过宣讲富民政策,村民知道”好日子源于党的好政策”,从而增强了感恩意识;通过解决生产生活中的燃眉之急,村民在数九寒天感受到了党的温暖。 截止目前,全辖干部员工参加”四同三送”活动191人,入住三类人员家庭571户。各级班子领导参加活动38人,入住139户,地区分行党委班子下沉达100%。通过开展”四同”“三送”活动,有效架起了党群干群”沟通桥”,进一步提升了干部服务群众水平,密切了干群关系,筑牢了社会稳定的群众基础。

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